"I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think deecorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves." ~Anna Quindlen~ From the time our children are infants, we are conscious of all they are in contact with. Soft blankets enfold them. Beautiful music soothes them. We show our concern for their safety by covering outlets and padding table corners. We enjoy sweet times of snuggling on the sofa introducing them to new friends through books. Many of these friends they will revisit over and over and never forget.
I was in the library reshelving the mountains of books that had been returned, letting my mind wander over the 14 years since my dream of operating this library had come into existence. A thought suddenly struck me and I stood upright. I looked around me. Books on shelves, books on the floor, books in my hand...always in my hand. Where had this drive, this passion for the written word come from?
June 2023